Approved SFA Courses

Last updated Jan. 15, 2025

The list of currently approved SFA courses includes two categories: general introductory science courses (for majors and minors) and courses designed for SFA. Both categories satisfy the core science requirement. This course list will be updated as new courses are added or previous courses are significantly modified.

* = Core pathways courses

Courses Designed for SFA

New Course IDOld Course IDTitleInstructorCross-listed
BIOL-1008BIOL-008Ecology and the EnvironmentFox, Jennifer
BIOL-1014BIOL-014*Ecology of CitiesWhitmer, Ali
BIOL-1016BIOL-016Biodiversity and Conservationvan Doorn, Angela
BIOL-1019BIOL-019Extr BlueWorld: Biol Marine MamMann, Janet
BIOL-1021 BIOL-021Science of Sustainable Food SystemsHahn, WilliamINAF-1180-08 &-09
BIOL-1025BIOL-0XXHow We ThinkChapman, Dail
BIOL-1027BIOL-0XXBiology of VirusesBennett, Shauna
BIOL-1031 BIOL- 030 A Microscopic View of TuscanyRosenwald, Anne
BIOL-1045BIOL-0XXDarwin at the Table- Evolution and Ecology of FoodFox, Jennifer
BIOL-1050BIOL-0XXMedicine and HumanityChan, Mun Chun; Bennett, Shauna
BIOL-1200BIOL-100Principles and Practices of Biological ResearchPatten, M, and Elmendorf, H.
CASS-1491-01IDST XXXEvolution for Everyday LifeFox, JenniferIDST-1491-01
GU- XXXXA Miscroscopic View of QatarRosenwald, Anne
GU- XXXXGlobal Health and Climate ChangeRosenwald, Anne
CHEM-1012CHEM-012Chemistry in Everyday LifeGlick, Diana
CHEM-1014CHEM-015*Chemistry of Climate Change Stoll, Sarah
CHEM-1020Environmental ChemistryStoll, Sarah
CHEM-1024CHEM-024Chemistry of Human BodyBertke, Michelle M.
CHEM-1025CHEM-025Intro to Forensic ChemistryItani, Mohammad
CHEM-1028CHEM-028*Climate ChangeZimerman, Oscar
CHEM-1030CHEM-026Science in the NewsBertke, Michelle
CHEM-1040Kitchen ChemistryBertke, Michelle
CHEM-1080CHEM-080Scientific Advancement and the Evolution of Energy Security         Gunderson, Victoria
Environmental Studies
ENST XXXXENST 120 The Science Behind the Stories van Doorn, Angela
ENST-1120ENST 015Environmental Science for a Changing Worldvan Doorn, Angela
ENST-1141ENST 141*Climate Change and Biodiversityvan Doorn, Angela
ENST-1180-01 & -02ENST-180-01 &-02 Examining Crises through the Lens of Science                 Wei, CynthiaINAF-1810-01 & -02
ENST-1180-03 & -04ENST-180-03 &-04Interface of Humans and Nature Wei, CynthiaINAF-1810–03 &-04
ENST-1180-05ENST 180-05The Science of WaterHoward, Douglas A.INAF-1810–05
ENST-1181-01ENST-181-01 Climate and Climate ChangeSchoonover, RodINAF-1810–07
Global Health
GLOH-1177GLOH-177Epidemiological ApplicationsDragomir, Anca
Health Systems Administration
HESY-2004HESY-184Introduction to EpidemiologyKraemer, John
Human Science
HSCI-1000HSCI-100Language of Health & DiseaseShepard, Blythe D.
International Affairs
INAF-1810–01 & -02INAF-180-01 and -02Examining Crises through the Lens of ScienceWei, CynthiaENST-1180-01 & -02
INAF-1810–03 &-04INAF-180-03 and -04Interface of Humans and NatureWei, CynthiaENST-1180-03 & -04
INAF-1810–05INAF-180-05The Science of WaterHoward, Douglas A.ENST-1180-05
INAF-1810–06INAF-180-06Scientific Advancement and the Evolution of Energy SecurityGunderson, VictoriaCHEM-1080
INAF-1810–07INAF-180-07Climate and Climate ChangeSchoonover, RodENST-1181-01
INAF-1810–08 &-09INAF-180-08 and -09Science of Sustainable Food SystemsHahn, WilliamBIOL-1021
INAF-1810-70INAF 180-70Genes, Citizens, and SocietyLorenzetti, Diego
INAF-1810–71INAF 180-71Physics for World LeadersTzortzakis, Stylianos
INAF-1810–73INAF 180-72Physics for Peace and DevelopmentBuhali, Othmane
INAF-1810-72INAF180-72Biophysics of Perception and Decision MakingYousef, Mohammed
INAF-1810–72INAF180-72Introduction to Environmental ScienceMohammed, Sayeed
INAF-1810-XXChemistry MattersBengali, Ashfaq
INAF-1810-XXWater CrisisEllis, Rowan
INAF-1810-72SeedsEllis, Rowan
PHYS-1101PHYS-017Science of Sound and SightJohnson, Patrick G.
PHYS-1102PHYS-010The Way Things WorkBlair, Daniel
PHYS-1103PHYS-014Physics for Future LeadersCurrie, John F.
PHYS-1201PHYS-016*Physics of Climate ChangeDoughty, Leanne
PHYS-1302 PHYS-020 Innovating with Modern Physics Doughty, Leanne
PHYS-1501 PHYS-019Startling Truths: Relativity, Quantum Uncertainty, Chaos and the Cosmos Urbach, Jeff; Carosso, Andrea
PSYC- 2200Physiological PsychologyDubbelde, Dick
PSYC-2300PSYC-130Cognition: Information in the BrainLyons, Ian; Green, Adam
PSYC-3200PSYC-234Cognitive NeuroscienceGreen, Adam; Vaidya, Chandan; Dubbelde, Dick